Let’s face it, Twitter and Instagram provide users with a lot of data and easy access to reach people. You can go on Twitter right now, type in any search phrase, any business or any company that you want to work with and find them.

If you are a creator or an influencer that wants to work with Under Armour, for example, you can put these keywords in the search box on Twitter, click ‘People’, and see anyone who as “@Underarmour” in their bio. The same thing applies to Instagram.

You can also run searches for hashtags to find people who are speaking about specific topics. If you are an SEO expert, you can type in #SEOhelp and see anyone who is talking about this particular topic, swoop in, and offer to help them out. That is the power of using Twitter and Instagram for search.

Make Your Content Travel Further On Social Media Sites

Going forward, make sure that as you are building content on these platforms, that you are also using these platforms as search engines. Creating content takes a lot of time. Not only do you have to research what you want to write about, but you have to draft content, proof it, upload it and distribute it. Make it travel even further by finding your tribe on Twitter and Instagram.


WSI OMS specialises in social media marketing and digital marketing. Contact us if you want to make more money on social media.