It’s a fact that mobile usage has overtaken the desktop, yet mobile advertising is still a largely untapped medium. One of the main reasons for this is the speed – mobile users are impatient and if a page fails to load in under five seconds, you’ll lose the traffic. But all is not lost – Facebook has introduced Canvas, a new mobile-only product that allows businesses to use storytelling to showcase their products.

Psychology shows that emotions are far stronger in the buying process than information, across all types of advertising media. In addition to swaying the buying decision, customers have more loyalty to a brand, based on how it makes them feel. So it’s simple really, create an advert that’s eye-catching, beautiful and emotive, using content and interactive elements that work instantly, on a mobile device. That’s quite a tall order, but one within reach if you explore Canvas.

Canvas uses Facebook Instant, so there’s no delays and waiting for pages to load. It’s ideal for consumer facing brands where emotions play a big role. Interactive media, delivered at high-speed is the perfect way to introduce new brands, products and offers to people. By creating a memorable advertising experience, you can really highlight features of your offerings and increase the user engagement.

Early statistics have pointed to an increase in mobile engagement when using Canvas, which is awesome when you consider the attention span of your average mobile user. It also offers the ability to incorporate a single clickable CTA that leads the user to your website. Another advantage is that using Canvas costs no more than your normal News Feed ad on Facebook. You can create ads easily using the self-service tool, dragging and dropping design elements.

Unlike a static ad that you see and then click on, or the annoying auto-play videos, Canvas gives the user the opportunity to interact with the ad, before clicking on the CTA.  Using the creative specs provided by Canvas, you need to build a storyboard to plan the interaction – almost like creating an app or building a mini website.

It’s an amazing way to engage mobile users like never before and to boost awareness of your products or services. For more on the tricks of the trade when it comes to mobile marketing, contact us today!