I just landed in Atlanta this morning at 07h15 after a 17 hour flight on route to San Antonio to deliver Digital Marketing training on the 9-10 February for local WSI Internet Consultants.

Luckily the flight was empty and I had 3 seats to myself, so a quick sleeping tablet to knock me out was in order. Vishay Singh from Avax kindly fetched me from the airport as I am, staying over for the night. A quick shower and I was off to work in his office today.

Here I am in my Atlanta office:)

Allyssa 006

As you can see I am trying to switch over to a Mac and still have to carry my Windows machine as a crutch but after this trip I will have switched over to the dark side as my IT guy keeps saying to me.

Tomorrow I am a guest speaker to the WSI Atlanta Smurf club. Sounds strange but they are Internet Consultants.

Well its 02:45 South African time and I am still going strong. I always try & stay up as late as possible to sleep in the right time zones to combat jet lag.

I am looking forward to tomorrow as always. I really enjoy meeting other WSI Internet Consultants around the world. We are just one big family.