When discussing your marketing strategy you may not immediately think about website design, but the way your website looks and the way it is structured is hugely important. Many studies have shown people judge a company based on the way its website looks and will also make an immediate judgment about your brand based on what they see when first visiting your site. You only have one chance to make a first impression with your website, which is why it’s recommended to invest in professional web design.
Why web design matters in regards to marketing:
- If your site is poorly designed, you can lose customers. As mentioned earlier, studies show people judge a company based on how its website looks. If they don’t think it looks legitimate or credible they can easily go elsewhere and make a purchase.
- If your website is difficult to navigate, visitors won’t hang around for long trying to figure it out. In this era of instant information, peoples’ attention spans are shorter than ever. Anyone who visits your website needs to be able to find the information they want easily and quickly.
- Offline advertising undoubtedly leads to people checking out your website. A whopping 90% of people investigate something online before making a purchase, so rest assured that people will be visiting your site before purchasing a product or service.
Whether you need a brand new website or your current website needs to be revamped, WSI has a team of web design professionals who are ready to help improve your website and become more successful.
For more information about professional web design services from WSI or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.