Creating a great web page is often a delicate balancing act – one that is not always easy to achieve. Not only does the designer want to build a stunning and unique site, but the client also wants to ensure that user experience is simple and profitable, while digital marketers want to stay at the top of the search results. Design, UX and SEO thus sometimes come into conflict, resulting in frustration all around.
All of these factors are important and can be reconciled. SEO has become such a high priority for most companies seeking to build their online presence, and so it is perhaps worth considering the potential conflict from this perspective. SEO experts have cited a number of main factors that frustrate them when it comes to web design. These can be resolved without sacrificing UX or web design. On the contrary, considering these points could create a win-win and ensure that web design and SEO need not be in opposition to each other.
When SEO pros look at a website, they essentially consider five aspects: crawlability, usability, readability, accessibility and findability. Certain popular web design choices can interfere with one or more of these, which makes SEO measures difficult to implement. Here are some of the worst offenders:
– Menu Designs:
The “hamburger” menu, accordion style, confusing dropdown design and mega menus. All of these will make an SEO specialist cringe. Navigation needs to be simplified for a better UX, which will ultimately enhance the site’s SEO standings.
– Decisions That Are Not Based on Data:
A website is not an artwork, it is an interface with your potential customers. A scientific approach is needed, based on analytics and other research.
– Image Sliders:
Image sliders not only look pretty, but they can also be good for UX – provided the user has a really fast connection. Otherwise, it tends to slow down the website and will frustrate your clients and visitors.
– Lazy or Poorly Thought-Out Redirects:
Incorporating the H-hierarchy into design decisions and using the logo as an H1.
The list continues. The point is not to stop web designers from following their creative desires, but rather to persuade them to make their decisions on the basis of analytics, rather than just what looks or feels good. SEO and web design don’t have to be enemies. In fact, they can easily work together – and should do for the benefit of both.
WSI OMS is a well-established expert in web design and SEO. Contact us to discuss your plans for your website.