Remember back in the day when websites had the cheek to tell you their site was the “best viewed in Internet Explorer”?  With all the planning, money and effort, you would be a fool to turn away any website visitor because their browser or platform doesn’t really work well with your site layout (and trust us – nobody is changing their browser or down-grading their phone to be able to search your site).

Today, you need to make sure your web design is completely user-friendly across all the popular new tech gadgets as well as a range of internet browsers. Ten years ago, most internet users had display resolutions of 800×600. Nowadays, most people have resolutions far greater than 1024 pixels in width.

Most of us designers like to work on wide screen computers, but this doesn’t mean that we can create websites like this. Nobody likes to scroll horizontally on their tiny phone screen, so keep these width guidelines in mind in order to avoid designing very wide screen websites that don’t display correctly on mobile devices.

Colours are another problem for web designers. Colour codes like #F2C3BE don’t look the same on all screens (and this can be a particular problem for companies with established corporate design and colour guidelines). This colouring system is pretty outdated and we’d advise website designers to only use colour combinations that are multiples of the hexadecimal “33”.

These are only some of the ways that your web design can be affected by different browsers and platforms. For more information, contact WSI OMS today.