We all know that to bring traffic to your site, you need to post regularly and while blogs are one of the simplest ways of doing this (that also helps with your SEO), it can be difficult to keep coming up with fresh and readable content, especially if your industry is fairly niche.

Here are some places to look for inspiration, that could help you create a list of possible topics for future posts. It may be a good idea to keep a notebook or list of ideas, to jot down whenever creativity hits, to keep those blank screen days to a minimum.

  1. Online news headlines: Set up Google Alerts and RSS Feeds of your industry and other news sources and get the headlines delivered to your inbox. Get the scoop on the latest trends, statistics, products or technologies.
  2. Subscribe to top business and personal blogs in your market: You can write a different take on someone else’s article, or find a topic in a comment about a blog. Don’t limit yourself to your industry completely; similar or related industries could be connected enough to give you content ideas.
  3. Client questions: Look at what your customers are asking and use the opportunity to write a lengthy response in a blog post, rather than an individual shorter response. Providing a solution for your customers can do wonders for your reputation and referrals.
  4. Social media platforms: Facebook and Twitter provide endless streams of blog inspiration, while LinkedIn group discussions will show you what people are talking about. TweetChats are an excellent source of fact, opinion, questions and answers, from all over the world.
  5. Pop culture: Although celebrity gossip may seem far removed from your industry, a quick glance at the latest scoop might offer something you can relate back to your business. YouTube can provide related content to almost anything!
  6. Use online tools: Bottlenose will analyse activity across all the major social networks; Quora is a Q&A site that can offer up a lot of ideas. You can answer an open question and publish the content from Quora’s site.

Don’t forget how important it is to blog regularly – sporadic posting will not build you a strong following. For more on social services and how we could assist with content creation, copywriting services or a social strategy, give us a call, we’d love to hear your thoughts.