If your main goal (it should be) is to attract people that are interested in what you have to offer, knowing who your audience is and what they are looking for is crucial. Your website needs to be focused on a specific segment of people with a specific need. Too many many people are trying to make their website too broad to cover everyone.
The bottom line is…if you build a website for everyone, it will attract no one. Except if you are Google.
Build your website to suit the taste of your ideal customer. Be always specific if you think about who they are. Not just about their income, age or education. Think about what their interests are and what they like. What information are they looking for? What makes them cry or laugh? What keeps them up at night thinking?
You do not just want to attract their interests. You also want to engage with them and start a conversation that will be beneficial to you both. You want their full attention so they are listening to what you have to offer. The motivation to buy is directly related to the specific problem, pain or frustration that your customer is experiencing.
This can affect the look and color of your website. Should you use videos? Will they respond more to a businesslike formal style writing or to a friendly informal style? You must create content that will resonate with them.
You are a problem solving service and a solution to their queries. Since you truly understand their needs and queries; they trust you and this will make them take action. Once they trust you they will buy, call, sign up or download anything you have to offer.
Knowing your targeted customer is critical. Not only to your website, but also when you are running a social media marketing campaign or any other lead generating service as well. Who are you going to present your information to?