In the last couple of years, almost everything has changed in marketing. Traditional marketing with print yellow pages and newspapers is no longer effective. Yet most small companies have failed to convert to website and internet marketing according to a study done by Webvisible and Nielson in 2009.

  • 63% of small business owners and consumers turns to the web for information about local companies.
  • Only 44% of small business have their own website.
  • Businesses that have a website spend less than 10% of their marketing budget online.

This study shows clearly the need for small businesses to establish themselves online, yet 56% of them aren’t. Why do most small businesses fail to establish and market themselves online? What could the reason be for holding them back?


Small business owners don’t have the time to focus on learning this method (online) of marketing. Most of the time they spend their entire day to keep the business running. After all they are the expert in their field and business.


SEO and internet marketing is a new technology for many business owners. Trends and changes on the web happens at light speed. Most younger business owners and employees have an advantage here because they have been around technology and computers for most of their lives.


There is so much information, opinions and misinformation out there. How can inexperienced novices succeed when the experts can’t agree? It is sometimes hard to get a grasp on things.


Usually people are afraid of what they don’t understand. Afraid of using a unfamiliar technology and presenting a poor image. Afraid of being taken advantage of. It can be tough jumping in when you don’t know the rules.

What can these small businesses do? As a business owner you don’t need to become a Internet Marketing Expert. The basic marketing principals are the same ones that have worked for decades.

These principals are just applied to a new technology. To start, lean the basics and how the strategies work. Hire someone to do the technical work. Let them explain in detail what will be done.

Leave a comment below if you require more information regarding internet marketing.