Social engagement is something that gets perfectly executed…until the silly season kicks in. It’s common for normal day-to-day marketing activities to get postponed “until everyone is back in January,” but this type of mentality could mean you’re missing out on a lot of business.
One way to ensure your social media activities are kept in full swing during December is to schedule posts in advance. You can use social media scheduling tools, such as Hootsuite, to do this. If all your staff is on leave during the holidays, consider hiring a freelance or contract worker to respond to queries and engagements on social media for you.
Another way to ensure you don’t slack off on social media is to plan a number of marketing campaigns in advance. These campaigns don’t have to be very time-consuming or labour intensive. Consider online coupons and flash sales which can be scheduled to appear on your ecommerce site, for example.
Keeping up with your social obligations is especially important if you’re selling products online. December is one of the busiest times for holiday shopping, so even if you’re ready to start winding down for the festive period, make sure you aren’t losing out on a lot of sales.
Need someone to make sure your social media accounts are active and engaging in December? Then contact WSI today.