The mobile web is growing rapidly.  More and more people are focusing on searching the internet via their mobile phone as you don’t need a computer to connect to the net. It is a on-the-move business tool that is always available.  This is an excellent opportunity for businesses.

Most searches originating from mobile phones are for local businesses.  People searching for restaurants, driving directions, movie theater tickets, etc.  The problem is that most local businesses does not have  a website optimized for a mobile phone or a dedicated mobile website.  Mobile websites are very different from websites viewed from a normal desktop web browser.

Careful steps needs to be taken when optimizing a website to be mobile friendly but it is a discussion for another day.  I have written a post regarding the optimization of mobile websites and it can be found by clicking the link below.

To get back to the post topic.  More and more people are using the mobile web everyday.  Why not step up to this new technology trend that is busy evolving?  Your business can definitely benefit by having a mobile website or by optimizing your current website to be mobile friendly.  Find below why your business can benefit from having a mobile website.

The emerging mobile advertising market is huge:

  • A mobile website can help marketers by reaching a global audience of mobile users who might not use the internet over desktop browsers;
  • Mobile technology enables the delivery of targeted marketing;
  • Connect marketers with targeted audiences anywhere and at anytime.

Find below some interesting stats regarding the Mobile web

  1. Internet searches from mobile phones grew 104% in 2008 over 2007;
  2. 50% of all web searches will happen from mobile devices by the year 2020 according to Pew Internet.

As you can see, the mobile web is increasing and searches on mobile phones are becoming more and more popular.  Mobile websites is much different from normal websites as you have to cater for a couple of things to make sure your mobile website is compatible with all the different handsets available on the market.

Find some information below why mobile websites are different to normal websites.

Why mobile websites are different.

  1. Mobile phones has a variety of screen sizes, graphics from normal websites are most of the times too large to display on mobile devices.
  2. Speed.  Image sizes needs to be smaller, reducing the download time of the mobile website to the selected handset.
  3. The content should be short but powerful.  In other words…get the message out by using less text as found on normal websites.
  4. Most mobile phones are not compatible with Flash and the usage of frames.

Stay ahead

By having a mobile website that is SEO optimized, you are ensuring that users and clients can reach you easier on the net.  This is another excellent opportunity to expose your business to the world via the web.