To find out whether your website is performing as it ought to, Google Analytics is an invaluable tool. Here is how to make it work for you.


  1. Install Google Analytics 

Double check that your “web guy” has, in fact, installed Google Analytics on your site. Then create your Google Analytics account, login, and check that your website shows up.


  1. Audience Overview 

This section of Google Analytics allows you to track various things such as the number of new users versus the number of returning visitors.


To get an idea of the power of your website, take a look at the bounce rate. This refers to the number of users who have visited only one page of your site. If they are not moving on, it could be that you need to reassess your user experience or better sign post the path you want them to take.


  1. Acquisition Overview 

Discover what is driving your audience to your site. Be it social media, search engine optimization, or referrals, knowing how users arrive at your website allows you to focus your efforts on what is working, and improve that which is not.


  1. Spam Traffic 

To avoid having a skewed view of your site’s traffic, you need to eliminate spam traffic from your analytics. Under referrals, look for the tell-tale signs of odd names, and bounce rates of 100%. You can then filter these out.


  1. Social Media Traffic 

Under the Acquisition section you can see how effective each social media platform is at sending users to your website. From each platform you can drill down to see the performance of each post.


Maximize the Power of Analytics 

Would you like to find out exactly how your website is performing? WSI OMS have years of experience and international collaboration in website optimisation. Contact us for more information today.