What a treat, WSI have arranged Jeffrey Eisenberg as our keynote speaker for today. His first presentation is on Persuasion Architecture, Adding value as a consultant.
He says that most Internet Marketing consultants overcomplicate things by focusing on technology. Rather add value by asking “when do we pop the cork?”. When do we get to say that we did a good job. This is how you can measure the success.
Good points from the presentation
- Technology can enable to accelerate our communication
- In his book “Waiting for your Cat to Bark” he recommends that you look at the angles of approach
- There are 4 patterns that people eye track on, they are prospect, spontaneous, methodical or deliberate
- 81% of people don’t trust branded websites
- With Social media, listen actively, intention matters, create a dialogue, learn the rules & participate
- Jeffrey speaks about the information scent and that Google wants to present relevant information
- Plan for sales conversion
- Eisenberg’s hierarchy of Optimization
- Optimize your calls to action with colors, use contrast
- Pay attention to size of the call to actions
- If people on a site are motivated they will get to the content that they want
- If you are competing against a site that has motivating factors then you need to get the persuasion right
Thanks Jeff for a great presentation and once again we get great value from WSI Excellence & Innovation Convention